Auto Repair: Know When to Repair a Windshield

When thinking of different things that keep us safe during a drive, we rarely even think about the windshield. But the truth is – the windshield of your vehicle is more important than you think. Anyone who has been driving for a long time would have come across this situation: a dented or cracked windshield. Early drivers tend to ignore this because it does appear to be something that could cause any major damages to the vehicle or the driver. And you would postpone the repair until there is time and money to do this. But that time will never come. Getting your windshield fixed is an easy part of an auto repair. It is important and can be done even from home.

Cracked Windshield

The windshield is a two-layered laminated glass. This laminate is made of vinyl plastic which is very strong. The windshield accounts for nearly 20% of the strength of the car. It plays a major role in keeping you safe. With the advancement in technology, the process of placing the windshield has become a computer controlled process. It has been designed to work with the other safety devices in the car. For instance, the airbags need a strongly bonded windshield in order to work correctly. Thus, it is important to get even a tiny crack on the windshield repaired. Ignoring it may put the life of the driver in danger.


The costs for replacing the entire windshield costs $300 and repairing a crack or a chip in the windshield could cost around $100 or lesser. There are also many kits available for you to repair the windshield yourself. These kits can be purchased from Amazon and in large stores that sell auto parts such as Wal-Mart, Kmart, Sears, and AutoZone. The kit will consist of the adhesive seal, windscreen repair resin, curing film, pedestal and a safety razor. Once you have the kit, park your car in your garage or somewhere indoors. Use a pain to clear out any broken glass from the windshield and leave it to dry. The instructions on how to use the kit will be available with the package. If the directions are unclear, the best option is to take the car to an auto repair workshop.

Another consideration is your car insurance. If you carry comprehensive coverage, then windshield repair can be included in your coverage. Be sure to check your deductibles as this will be required to be paid first. In some states, there is no deductible for windshield damage, as it is considered a safety related repair.

At the end of the day, the important thing is that any windshield repairs are fixed immediately and you are no longer vulnerable to any potential accidents.

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